# Action Items
For the application workflow API, Action Items can be one of five types:
- Notes
- Prescreening Questions
- Disclaimers
- Compliance Questions
- Attachments
Valid object structures for these types is outlined below:
# Note
Represents a Note Action Item in the Application Workflow
Field | Content Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the Note |
instructions | string | Instructions for the note. |
notes | string | Text content of the note. |
type | string | Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Note |
pageNumber | integer | Indicates the page number where the action item is located |
displayOrder | integer | Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items. |
# Prescreening or Compliance
Represents a Prescreening question Action Item in the Application Workflow
Field | Content Type | Description |
id | string | The unique identifier for the question. |
instructions | string | Instructions for the question. |
questionText | string | Text of the question. |
responseType | string | Indicates response type for the question. Valid options are: MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer , MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswer , Text , Date , Numeric , TitleAndInstructions , Boolean , File , FileOrPlainText |
required | boolean | Indicates if the question is required or not. |
responseOptions | responseOptions Array | Collection of response options for this question. This is available only when response type is MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer , MultipleChoiceMultiAnswer , TrueFalse , YesNo . |
type | string | Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Prescreening or Compliance |
pageNumber | integer | Indicates the page number where the action item is located |
displayOrder | integer | Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items. |
# Disclaimer
Represents a Disclaimer Action Item in the Application Workflow.
Field | Content Type | Description |
agreementRequired | boolean | Indicates if agreement from the candidate is required. If true, the user must agree to this disclaimer. |
messageWhenDisagree | string | Message to display when the candidate does not agree to this disclaimer. |
id | string | The unique identifier for the disclaimer. |
instructions | string | Instructions for the question. |
questionText | string | Text of the question. |
responseType | string | Indicates response type for the disclaimer. Valid options are: MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer , MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswer , Text , Date , Numeric , TitleAndInstructions , Boolean , File , FileOrPlainText |
required | boolean | Indicates if the question is required or not. |
responseOptions | responseOptions Array | Collection of response options for this question. This is available only when response type is MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer , MultipleChoiceMultiAnswer , TrueFalse , YesNo . |
type | string | Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Disclaimer |
pageNumber | integer | Indicates the page number where the action item is located |
displayOrder | integer | Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items. |
# Resume or CoverLetter or AdditionalAttachment
Represents any item in the Application workflow where a file must be attached.
Field | Content Type | Description |
title | string | Title of the attachment. |
instructions | string | Instructions for the attachment. |
responseType | string | Indicates response type for the disclaimer. Valid options are: MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer , MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswer , Text , Date , Numeric , TitleAndInstructions , Boolean , File , FileOrPlainText |
required | boolean | Indicates if attachment is required or not. |
type | string | Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Resume , CoverLetter , or AdditionalAttachment |
pageNumber | integer | Indicates the page number where the action item is located |
displayOrder | integer | Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items. |