# Action Items

For the application workflow API, Action Items can be one of five types:

  1. Notes
  2. Prescreening Questions
  3. Disclaimers
  4. Compliance Questions
  5. Attachments

Valid object structures for these types is outlined below:

# Note

Represents a Note Action Item in the Application Workflow

Field Content Type Description
title string Title of the Note
instructions string Instructions for the note.
notes string Text content of the note.
type string Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Note
pageNumber integer Indicates the page number where the action item is located
displayOrder integer Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items.

# Prescreening or Compliance

Represents a Prescreening question Action Item in the Application Workflow

Field Content Type Description
id string The unique identifier for the question.
instructions string Instructions for the question.
questionText string Text of the question.
responseType string Indicates response type for the question. Valid options are: MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer, MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswer, Text, Date, Numeric, TitleAndInstructions, Boolean, File, FileOrPlainText
required boolean Indicates if the question is required or not.
responseOptions responseOptions Array Collection of response options for this question. This is available only when response type is MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer, MultipleChoiceMultiAnswer, TrueFalse, YesNo.
type string Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Prescreening or Compliance
pageNumber integer Indicates the page number where the action item is located
displayOrder integer Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items.

# Disclaimer

Represents a Disclaimer Action Item in the Application Workflow.

Field Content Type Description
agreementRequired boolean Indicates if agreement from the candidate is required. If true, the user must agree to this disclaimer.
messageWhenDisagree string Message to display when the candidate does not agree to this disclaimer.
id string The unique identifier for the disclaimer.
instructions string Instructions for the question.
questionText string Text of the question.
responseType string Indicates response type for the disclaimer. Valid options are: MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer, MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswer, Text, Date, Numeric, TitleAndInstructions, Boolean, File, FileOrPlainText
required boolean Indicates if the question is required or not.
responseOptions responseOptions Array Collection of response options for this question. This is available only when response type is MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer, MultipleChoiceMultiAnswer, TrueFalse, YesNo.
type string Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Disclaimer
pageNumber integer Indicates the page number where the action item is located
displayOrder integer Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items.

# Resume or CoverLetter or AdditionalAttachment

Represents any item in the Application workflow where a file must be attached.

Field Content Type Description
title string Title of the attachment.
instructions string Instructions for the attachment.
responseType string Indicates response type for the disclaimer. Valid options are: MultipleChoiceSingleAnswer, MultipleChoiceMultipleAnswer, Text, Date, Numeric, TitleAndInstructions, Boolean, File, FileOrPlainText
required boolean Indicates if attachment is required or not.
type string Indicates the type of action item. Should always equal Resume, CoverLetter, or AdditionalAttachment
pageNumber integer Indicates the page number where the action item is located
displayOrder integer Indicates the display sequence order among all the action items.