# Throttling

The table below lists the throttling limits for each endpoint. For more information on throttling errors and guidance on handling these limits, please see the [Throttling section] (https://csod.dev/guides/getting-started/throttling.html) of the Getting Started guide.

Category Method Endpoint Requests Per Minute Requests Per Hour Requests Per Day
Employees and Employee CHR GET - Singleton /services/api/x/users/v2/employees/* 150 9000 216,000
Employees and Employee Metadata GET - Bulk /services/api/x/users/v2/employees 75 4500 108,000
Employees POST /services/api/x/users/v2/employees 150 9000 216,000
Employees and Employee CHR PATCH /services/api/x/users/v2/employees/* 150 9000 216,000
OU Specification GET /services/api/x/organizations/v1/specifications 5 60 1440
OU Types GET /services/api/x/organizations/v1/types 300 18,000 432,000
OU Types GET /services/api/x/organizations/v1/types/{id} 300 18,000 432,000
OU GET /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous 300 18,000 432,000
OU POST /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous 300 18,000 432,000
OU GET /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous/{ouId} 300 18,000 432,000
OU PUT /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous/{ouId} 300 18,000 432,000
OU PATCH /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous/{ouId} 300 18,000 432,000
OU GET /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous/{ouId}/localizations 300 18,000 432,000
OU PUT /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous/{ouId}/localizations 300 18,000 432,000
OU PATCH /services/api/x/organizations/v1/ous/{ouId}/localizations 300 18,000 432,000