# SOAP Deprecation

As Cornerstone continues to innovate and deliver new features and enhancements to our clients, we also take the opportunity to review our existing features to ensure we're providing users with the most optimized solution. That will mean that we will occasionally deprecate outdated or under-utilized features.

Cornerstone will start to deprecate most of the existing SOAP APIs starting December 1, 2023 (Patch release date). If you are impacted by this upcoming change, you will need to take action prior to this deprecation.

In preparation for the phase out of the SOAP APIs, we've prepared this guide to help you migrate your integration from SOAP APIs to the newer REST APIs. We expect you'll find the REST API much more secure, flexible and quite a bit easier to use.

# Deprecation Schedule

SOAP APIs will be depreciated in two phases:

Phase Date SOAP APIs
Phase 1 Dec 1 - 2023 All Cornerstone SOAP APIs, except Transcript API’s (LOWS.asmx)
Phase 2 Nov 22 - 2024 Transcript API’s (LOWS.asmx)

# Users/OU (SOAP to REST)

Phase SOAP Service Type Description SOAP API REST API Alternative REST APIs Comment
1 Echo OUs Inbound Validates SOAP request for the Set OUs service clientdataservice.asmx Obsolete, no replacement needed
1 Set OUs Inbound Insert and Update client organizational units clientdataservice.asmx OU APIs Bulk APIs
1 Echo Users Inbound Validates SOAP request for the Set Users service clientdataservice.asmx Obsolete, no replacement needed
1 Set Users Inbound Insert and Update users clientdataservice.asmx Employee APIs Bulk APIs
1 Get User Outbound Retrieve user data clientdataservice.asmx Employee APIs Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs
1 Reconcile Users Inbound Reconcile Users clientdataservice.asmx Employee APIs Bulk APIs
1 Reconcile OUs Inbound Reconcile organizational units clientdataservice.asmx OU APIs Bulk APIs

# Learning (SOAP to REST)

Phase SOAP Service Type Description SOAP API REST API Alternative REST APIs Comment
1 Catalog Search Outbound Keyword search on Course Catalog CatalogWebservice.asmx Learning - Catalog Search Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs
1 Catalog Details Outbound Returns learning object details GetDetailsWebservice.asmx Learning - Get LO Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs
1 Get Transcript and Task Outbound Returns transcript and task information for a user TranscriptAndTaskService.asmx Learning - Transcript and Task Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs
1 Transcript Search Outbound Returns transcript information for a user TranscriptSearch.asmx Learning - Transcript Search Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs
1 Get Certificate Details Outbound Returns Certification LO details CertificationDetailsService.asmx Learning - Certification Details Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs
1 Get Certificate Transcript Outbound Returns Users Certification transcript CertificationTranscriptService.asmx Learning - Learning - Certification Transcript Reporting APIs, Data Exporter APIs

# Transcript (SOAP to REST)

Phase SOAP Service Type Description SOAP API REST API Alternative REST APIs
2 Request Inbound Request a learning object for a user LOWS.asmx Request API
2 Register Inbound Register a user for a learning object for a user LOWS.asmx Register API Eventually Learning Assignment APIs or Bulk APIs (for bulk operations)
2 Launch Inbound Retrieves the launch URL to the a material training LOWS.asmx Transcript Details - Enhanced
2 Complete Inbound Mark a user’s transcript status as complete for a learning object LOWS.asmx Complete API Eventually Express Class API or Learning Assignment APIs, Bulk APIs (for bulk operations)
2 Withdraw Inbound Withdraws a user registration from a session LOWS.asmx available:
Eventually Bulk APIs (for bulk operations)
2 Remove Inbound Removes a learning object from a user’s transcript LOWS.asmx Remove API Eventually Bulk APIs (for bulk operations)

# Q&A

Question Answer
Does 'depreciation' mean that the SOAP services are no longer available? Yes, Cornerstone will sunset the SOAP API's. Customers, partners and vendors needs to migrate to (RESTful) API's to maintain an existing integration.
Is there a community where I can post a remaining question? Yes, login to the Cornerstone Success Center and navigate to the SOAP Depreciation Community to post your question.